Açougue São Paulo

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Hello, my friends, what's up? Today we have a really cool tip for anyone who likes roast beef and cheeses! If you are looking for a recipe for a more sophisticated dinner and want to please, you will love this alcatra recipe stuffed with 4 cheeses .
Want to learn this delicious recipe? So come with us!
Alcatra recipe stuffed with 4 cheeses
This is a very simple recipe that has no difficulty at all. Apart from the time for the meat to bake properly, it is very practical. That is, in addition to making an incredible dinner, you do not have to spend hours in the kitchen.
Ingredients :
1 piece rump
Gorgonzola cheese to taste
Parmesan cheese to taste
Provolone cheese to taste
Mozzarella cheese to taste
Oregano to taste
Green taste chopped to taste
Olive oil to taste
Cheeses can change according to the taste of each person. Some may not like gorgonzola or parmesan, in these cases just use other cheeses of your choice. Açougue São Paulo
Method of preparation
This alcatra recipe stuffed with 4 cheeses can be made both in the grill and in the conventional oven.
We started with the preparation of the cheeses. Simply cut them into pieces up to 1 finger and put in a bowl. You can also choose to put more or less of your favorite cheeses. This is a very free recipe.
Mix the cheeses with the green scent, the oregano and the olive oil. Stir well to mix all ingredients and set aside. Do not put salt in the cheeses, most of them are already salted.
Take the piece of rump and make an opening at one end. Try to cut through the middle of the meat more or less, creating an envelope to be stuffed with the cheese.
Open a piece and foil and put olive oil and salt. Arrange the meat on top of the paper, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle a little salt. Wrap the foil around the meat so that it is firm.
It leads to the grill on low heat, or to the oven over high heat. Expect the meat to cook; this time depends on the size of the piece. It is possible to know the point of the meat with a thermometer or with the hand.
After the meat is cooked, remove the foil and return to the fire to brown. When it is ready it is only to serve with white rice or any other accompaniment of your preference.
The best online butchers in São Paulo
Did you like this rump recipe stuffed with 4 cheeses? We have many more tips for you on our blog!
Did you know that it is possible to buy meat without leaving home? Just enter the site of Prime Carnes, choose the desired cut and, if the purchase is confirmed until 13h, we deliver the same day! Read More..


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